Wednesday, December 30, 2020

More Dressage.... and a hack

Okay... I've got to start planning my rides a little better. Dan said 3 days of dressage riding in 4 days of living is too much Mom... too much! He was a super good boy, but I think he was a little bit sore. We met Kelli at Ashland and started off with some lunging. And he was just a bit slow and sticky. And when we cantered to the left, he was swapping behind once or twice and bunny hopped once, so... we ended on a good note and stopped lunging. I figured I would do a lot of walk work and then hopefully spend more time hacking. BUT.... we ended up doing a fair amount of riding. I did start with a lot of walk and then we did some trotting and he seemed fine and happy, so... we did some trotting. Then we cantered and he felt pretty darn good, so... we rolled with it. I was focusing really hard on being kind and positive and rewarding progress, not perfection. So yeah... it was a good ride. It wasn't as intense or as long as usual, but still a decent ride. And he felt good and didn't feel weird at all, so... yay. Then we went for a short hack as I was running out of time before my hair appointment. We walked to the lake and let them get a drink and have a splash. Then we walked around to the other side of the lake and spooked the heron. Luckily neither boy got upset and then we headed back. 

So.... Thursday, if we don't get rained out... we'll try to do trails..or jump if we get stuck riding at home in an effort to beat the rain. 

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