Saturday, December 26, 2020

Boxing Day... NOT Bucking Day.... Daniel!

 ha ha... He was kind of hilarious today. Although, I suppose that's hilarious in a naughty bad pony kind of way (I forgot about this morning!). He's such a weirdo. He's not the horse that you ride 4 times a week so he isn't naughty under saddle.. he's the kind of horse you ride 4 days a week so he doesn't go psycho in the pasture! He is high maintenance to keep him not feral. This morning he was all mad that Fleck got hay soup and he didn't. So he was being cranky at the gate. I, like a dummy, stuck my finger out to boop him on the nose, and he bit it! Turd!! Then he ran off. So..I walked out there with the rope halter and got the carrot stick and he was like "fine.... I know... I know" and was perfect. ha ha. Weirdo! I let him hang out a bit while Mike and I put the handles on the island in the kitchen. Then it was time to leave for my lesson. 

We got there and I got on for a few minutes and did our turn on the haunches and forehands. He still wants to brave and invert when I try to turn on the forehand on the right rein because he just really doesn't want to go into that right rein. But... it is slowly getting better. So... I told Rana what we had been doing and where we seemed to be stuck and she got on. She spent some time at the walk and then did some trotting. She said that he was better! Overall he was better. And he was definitely sounder! She said that he still hasn't quite grasped the forward into the bridle at all times yet. Forward and straightness! She also said that the left hind is weak and slow and that's creating the right shoulder issue. Which.... ugh.. is a little scary as that is the ankle with the windpoofs that get hard randomly. And the foot which was lame at Tennessee. But she did some work and got him using that left hind and making it quicker and he looked great! He actually started bending his hocks more too. And his tail slightly lifted and he looked all fancy! So, tracking to the left, I need to fishtail his hind end out a little, to get that left hind up underneath himself. Tracking right, I need to ride him haunches in, to get the left hind back up underneath himself. So yep! 

So then she went to the canter! He was naughty and had some little bucking and hopping moments. And then he was super naughty and let out a big enough buck that he unseated her a little bit. Oops!! But then he settled and she got the canter. And it got nice. She worked on the downwards and had the same issue I had. I feel like I created this problem. I was so focused on getting the walk from the canter that he just dramatically slams down into it. Like... reining stops into it almost. And then when you ask him to keep moving forward now, he gets all mad because he did what you asked! So she had some struggles with him. She was smiling though and made the comment that he was trying... and he was just getting confused. And then when he gets confused he gets frustrated. Yep!! I feel your pain baby boy... I feel your pain. And you could see his little hamsters running amuck trying to figure it out. But at least he was trying. And it got better. She reminded me to just stay calm and not over-react and just keep asking him and trying to explain to him what I wanted and reward him when he got it and he would. And sure enough, she got some nice transitions. They aren't perfect yet, but they are getting better and he's starting to get the hang of it. 

So then it was my turn. Sigh. As soon as I got on, he got mad. His ears were pinned so flat against his head!! And his tongue came out. Seriously dude... am I that bad?!?! I told Rana that not only was he like me in the sense that he got frustrated when he got confused, but apparently he also gets mad when he gets frustrated. Sigh. We sorted through it and managed to get some decent work and his tongue settled and his ears settled too. I never quite got the perfect downward or upward but it did get better. 

Tracking Left: It's easier... he stays rounder and I just need to half halt to prepare him a few times, tap him with the whip a few times to keep him going, and keep my butt in the saddle and sit up! No tipping forward! 

Tracking Right: It's harder. It's so easy for me to almost let him counterbend, but... if I remember to ride him haunches in, and really open my inside rein to keep the bend, and use my inside leg... he does it. It's just having to remember all the things at the same time. 

After that we walked back to the trailer to untack and Rana said something about how fit he was. She said she kept waiting for him to say he was done, but he just kept trying! Hee hee. Yeah... that's Dan. :) I also showed her the roundness he was developing behind the saddle and asked if it's a good thing and she said yes! YAY! She also said I should probably get my saddle fit checked again as it looked like he was starting to build muscle from lifting his back. :) YAY!!! Then while we were talking, Dan got bored or tired and kept shooting us looks from half closed eyes to shut up and let him sleep. Hee hee. He is seriously so extra!!! All or nothing. :) But I do love this weirdo!

No photos as it was cold and I was watching her ride. So... a photo from another day of a dirty grumpy beast and then a hunky boy with cool clouds. ;) 

And... shenanigans from the other morning! See... FERAL!

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