Saturday, June 1, 2024

Surgery # 2 done

Be Nice to your MOTHER! 

lots of fibrous scar tissue - trauma? tring to stabilize?  but less bleeding. better anesthesia plane. and surgery a success based on imaging. 

recovered well

BUT.... short on RF, reluctant to draw it forward. and... kind of neuro/ataxic. feels flies on his feet but having to balance himself a bit differently. wide behind. right front seems stuck, standing on front feet with other front foot, slammed into bucket. 

trying desperately not to panic.... Gods in control. It's just irritation/inflammation. More swelling in his neck base (fluids from the scope vs tissue inflammation?). probably expected just... did so well at the first surgery. 

acting fine otherwise... eating, drinking, mugging me for treats. drank and drooled on me. a bit cranky perhaps... but that could be drugs, stall rest after getting not as much restriction, hot, or... because he's mad his body isn't cooperating. 

don't panic.... God is good. God knows best. this was his worse side. good sign to not overdo it with the rehab.. don't go too quick


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