Sunday, June 23, 2024

More Treatments... and some giving up


so... I did more acupuncture.... because now he has sweeney. On that right shoulder. So... I found out which channels were affected... balanced them out with the balance method... which, he didn't give me quite as many releases, but... 

then I did electro over the atrophied area. And he was a bit concerned but stood, especially because I was feeding him cookies. though in retrospect, I may have done it too much. Someone else mentioned that I needed to not get a visible response because it works better if I don't. I'll have to reread the why.. something about afferent fibers vs pain fibers. Doh. then I was brave and did pneumo.... it still creeps me out. He looks SOOO much better but it's all fake. 

But then... he's now super lame again on that limb. Sigh.... he's dragging his toe. can't advance the limb. Sigh... dammit. I thought I was helping!

So I had a meltdown.... talked with God.. here I go again.. trying to fix things instead of just trusting... but how do I know when i'm supposed to "pick up the shovel and start digging" vs... just sit and wait. sigh..

So... this afternoon.. he just seemed unhappy. It's hot as molasses... Or hotter... whatever is really hot... and I just.. turned him out. I figured he was so sore still he wasn't going to be stupid.. maybe movement is better?? (Although maybe more rest is better because clearly stimulating it with EAP didn't help).... but I'm tired.. he's tired... we're both grumpy... so I just turned him out. He wandered out... and was just grazing. But maybe walking better today.. so maybe the EAP was just a bit much and he had to recover. I'll give him today off from it and do it again tomorrow but MUCH lighter.

So then I went back out to check on him and he was laying down in the sand pit. And Lyric was pawing at him (just about). I went out to check.. he was fine. I think he was sooo happy to lay down and wallow... but he wasn't quite sure of himself so he didn't try to roll all the way over. Or he did and I missed it. He groaned a bit and finally got up. Then walked up to the hose and tried to rip it off the fence. Okay... phew.. you're still Dan.

I ended up leaving them out but he basically went and put himself back in a stall because it's hot as all get out. 90 plus. and feels like 97. It's gonna be like this all week too. UGHHHHH.

So... i just let him out in the big field tonight. it's easier.. better water system.. the hills will be rehab because I backed off on the lunging for now... and it's just.. going to make his heart, head, and gut happier. And my life easier. 

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