Saturday, March 14, 2020

Jumping.... Saving my bacon... all in a day of Dan

D-Rex may have his quirks... and he may still be a stinker, but.. he's grown up so much! We had a lesson with Marian again today. We started off with the usual stuff where I work on shoulder in's. Then we moved on to some grids. It was a tough grid too. Dan was really having to reach and push. We started with just letting him struggle through. I mean, I was adding leg and encouraging, and NOT half-halting, but... I sent him in in the trot and it was up to him to get us out. So I supported with my leg but didn't chase him or really get after him. Marian reminded me to reward the try. So, sure enough, after a few rounds of him reaching and having to work harder than he should have, he started pushing more and made the distances better for himself. Granted, he cheated a teeny bit by adding a small canter stride right at take off. But whatever... he's smart.. he's doing what we ask.. we won't punish that. We know this is hard for him. 

Then, a few people walked up and were watching... about the same time the neighbor kid started zooming around on his four wheeler with his dog chasing him in the pasture next door. Dan was distracted and a little bit on edge but managed to keep going. I kept riding and we headed into the grid. I don't know why, but I jumped up his neck. Like literally.. I landed practically on his head! He jumped the last fence or two and then bless him... he stopped, kept his head straight up in the air, because he was staring at the kid on the 4 wheeler. But that kept him entranced enough and still enough long enough that I was able to shimmy myself back down into the saddle.  It was so embarassing but I'm glad he didn't dump me. He should have. I literally threw myself onto his head! Bless him. So they were all polite, despite the fact that I'm sure they were thinking I'm an idiot who cannot ride. We came again and he went through just fine and I waited my seat! :) So yeah... we did a few more goes and it got better and we quit shortly after. Marian was sweet and said that it was very brave of me to keep riding... most of her students would have quit or made her get on when the 4 wheeler started up. I doubt that, but.. it did make me feel better about flinging myself over the fence before him. Ugh...

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