Sunday, March 8, 2020

I give up....

Ugh.. I don't know what to do anymore...

I don't know if Dan doesn't like eventing... if I'm not able to event him because I can't be brave enough for him... if he is hurting somewhere... if it's just that we need our confidence back....  We've had some really awesome runs at Novice... but not lately. And I feel like I've gotten our confidence back pretty darn good.... I just can't figure it out.

Schooling Friday at Poplar: Deep deep sucky footing... as in sinking 3 inches into the squish and feeling like a shoe may get sucked off. Was wild and nervous - biting, restless, then once I got on, he was being naughty still - popping up, trying to bolt. Finally settled and schooled some stuff. Did okay. Not spectacular but given the circumstances pretty good. Had three stops, plus he didn't go down the banks at first. But ended well and where the footing was good....

Friday... early dressage. Braced and didn't really have enough time to to stretch him out since we rode at 8 am and it was cold. My fault. Didn't know if i had a whistle or bell... then another girl tried to go into my arena.. so I didn't know if I needed to wait for another whistle.. judge ignored me... finally just went in. Then only did the first half of my canter circle so went off course. Got the wrong lead on the second canter circle which luckily was during my error so she rescored it and the second time we got it. Then his tongue went over the bit again... somehow still managed a 33. ????

Stadium was quickly up. Again.. didn't properly warm myself up... but felt like he was in front of my leg and going. Went in... Jump 1 was an oxer... did 7 strides to 2, turned and got 3 and 4, which I think at least one of those was an oxer... then 5 was fine...then 6 was an oxer and he stopped twice. I finally got him over and then he stopped at 7 and stopped hard enough that I went over his head and landed in the oxer.. on my feet. Sigh.. so went back to warm up and schooled.. asked to have another round he stopped at the very first fence. So.. went back to warm up to school some more and called it a day. the footing was too gross on XC and after that.... why bother.

So... do I give up? Do I try to make him a fox hunter... try to do just dressage? Do a bone scan? More lameness work up? Call the animal communicator? Try to show with a trainer the next few shows? Send him to a trainer and see if they can fix him (But what if it's pain?)



  1. I'm so sorry you've been having such a rough go! I know that I'm not the best at separating emotions from actions and that can make my horse really I tend to lean on a trainer in those situations. Someone who can talk me through it. Maybe you can arrange a boot camp type of situation? For you and for him?

    1. I'm so sorry!! I didn't see your comment til now, but.. you are wise!! I did just that! I adore my trainer, but she is unable to do as much XC lessons and doesn't come to shows, so I found a trainer that does, and decided to do some serious boot camp. Unfortunately, once I started that, I realized it's a soundness issue. But... now I know. We have a vet appt on Monday to see what the issue is.
