Thursday, July 4, 2024

SOOOO humid and miserable

 Neither of us were feeling it today. Tempting to try to ride before I leave, but... instead... Mom's lake house for the 4th. 

Did get a short 20 min lunge in. No canter (other than when he got loose once!) and not as much trot as he looked a bit more sore today. (too much electro??). Did add some trot poles and he's actually reaching pretty well with the front right, so... maybe it is a lameness?? But then why the atrophy that screams neurogenic vs disuse to me?? 

But he tried and was a good boy. 

Fireworks tonight seemed to be no big deal. phew

Morning work out

 Had a cancellation so got to do a quick lunge

Very good boy. I'm really quite proud of him. We're getting this! Voice commands...

Local farms so came home for lunch and apparently dan had take out ;) 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Lake Hike

 Glorious weather this am, but then hot and humid again. 

After dinner hauled Dan to ashland to do a lake walk. Put the bell boot on. :) Walked to the lake and had a good walk. He definitely seems happier. But not really interested in playing in the lake today. I had to drag him in with me and he literally only pawed with his right front about 6 times. Dude!! That's a lot of effort I went through... oh well. We had fun anyways. I got good photos.

I did make him do some more hills today and push it and we walked through some tall grass. And up the baby up bank, which he put his right front up first. Then did 3 logs... two he cheated on and jumped and left the right front on the ground longer. But the last one he stepped over with his front right first. 

oh, also did the parking lot poles... 

Good pony! I do hope I can fix this sweeney!