Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Emotions and turmoil

 Bad storms.... tornado watches... flash flooding...

talked to the vet... talked to Rood and riddle... probably scheduling a CT to get more answers and go from there

did our pillar work today. a little snatchy/grabby.

tried slow walks and he wanted to throw his haunches left when tracking right, but... maybe just being silly

struggling more with the pole straddle today but managed to get it at the end

no obvious neuro signs today, other than maybe dragging toes, but.. also maybe just bored and unmotivated. Did manage to get loose and go cantering off. Still can't canter on right lead behind. 

but handsome boy and maybe a bit happier

not so happy about staying in some due to the storms. Ripped his bell boot off, but left it conveniently for me to find

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