Saturday, March 22, 2025

Rough Day, shining star

 Rough day... 

Dan was good for our ride. Bareback arena ride. Did in hand stuff to start. Upset with turn on the forehand in hand even. sidepassed over pole well though. Got on and did our trot homework. Felt good. Decent baby halfpass. good shoulder ins. cantered once each way. Felt icky in the canter. Just not put together, four beat... front and hind disconnected. Did some poles... baby baby crossrails. Did stand on the surefoot pad for about 1 minute post ride!!!

untacked and put bridle on lyric since she was right there. When I was done with her, untacked her in the pasture and dan came up... I ws upset and crying and Dan... bless him.. was trying to console me in ways only a dino can. didn't quite let me hug him but... was comforting me. bless him. Lyric's in heat. So she was distracting him too. 

So grateful to God for him. 

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