Saturday, March 15, 2025

Forward March!

Today we rode at home. I spent some time with Mike and then I decided I would rather work all 3 at home and have time to drag the arena before the rain and go on a bike ride on the new bike. Mike traded in the Super Duke for a Triumph today. It's zippy! We had a nice ride and had dinner too, so I'm glad I chose Mike today. And grateful he let me play also. 


I rode Dan bareback but took my whip with me. We worked on me not nagging and him staying forward and in front of my leg. It didn't take much. It's almost like he knew with the whip in my hand. Which, is actually good, because for a long time.. the whip didn't really even matter. We did our lateral work at the walk and focused on correct use of his neck and back and inside leg to outside rein. Then we did our ten minutes of trot and did some lateral work in the trot too. Good pony! No tongue out today. He felt good too. We did transitions, half-pass, leg yield, shoulder in, and then some 12 meter figure 8's down the long side. 


Then we hacked home and I ended up trotting a bit more in the field because I wanted to and he wanted to. So of course we did 13 minutes of trot instead of 10. Oh darn. But hey, at least I didn't canter on purpose. Because... I really really wanted to! 



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