I'm so grateful for days like today. I am blessed. I got to work all 3 of my ponies, in lovely weather, on my beautiful farm. I got to sleep in and had dinner with Mike. It was a good day.
I decided to do Dan last today and clearly he was bored! That pasture is fun at first but it gets small and boring quick. ;)
We went to the trailer and I groomed him. Then I put the saddle on. I used the Peter Horrobin dressage saddle. I also put the bright green paisley pad on him. ha ha. Not the best choice for him, but whatever.
We hacked up to the arena through the pasture and he was a bit of a slug. We did a long walk warm up and did all the lateral work... shoulder in, haunches in, leg yield, half pass, turn on the forehand and turn on the haunches. I think that he stuck his tongue out in the beginning... when we did leg yield to the left. Which... hasn't bothered him before. And I was not on the buckle, but literally on the first stop from the buckle. So.... maybe just anxiety? Verse actual pain? I opted to ignore it and carried on. We did a stretchy walk and then we picked up the trot. We trotted around and then took a break. Then we did some more trotting and added in some light lateral work... leg yielding. And.. no tongue. So... interesting. We did some transitions. Then we walked again. Then we did a bit more trotting and we were bored so we did a tiny bit of shoulder in and haunches in and a tiny bit of halt pass. And no tongue. I kept his neck as long as I could. We even did a nice medium down the centerline. He asked!
So then I looked and we had done 11 minutes of trot. Oops! Ha.. 11 seems to be the magic number lately.
So then we hacked home. I debated going to the lake but decided to just head back.
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