Danny and I had fun today. We went to Ashland and enjoyed a mostly quiet hack and snack. We dropped off some meds at the gray barn and hung out and grazed while we talked to Laura and Smarty. Then we headed to the woods and to the fields. We did our ten minutes of trot. I didn't set a timer.. just watched equilab. We ended up doing 11 minutes, so oops. I tried to do some longer sections of trot, but... man, 10 minutes of trot bareback isn't easy. Especially when Dan has his big boy trot on. :) But yay for big boy trots!
We also walked the ditches and trotted up the bank (Okay, he cantered up the baby bank). We did the water treadmill and got some good work done. I think we did 3 circles each way and then another circle of transitions each way. We also trotted quite a few logs and he was so happy he actually picked up the canter and cantered two or three of them. Oops. #sorrynotsorry. ;) I also acupunctured his shoulder when we got home. He was a good boy. Hopefully we can make some more progress with that.We had a beautiful sunset too!
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