Saturday, March 8, 2025

Arena work with a saddle and a trip to the lake

 I opted to ride Dan at home today because tomorrow I plan to take him to Ashland. Plus, I figured I should start doing some lateral work to help strengthen those fibers in his suspensory. (although I'm not sure there was ever any fiber damage, but... whatever... I'm not sure how that all works). I had already ridden Funny and Mike had just gotten home so I figured it was smart to stay home and ride here. 


I opted to put the PH dressage saddle on him, even though it supposedly doesn't work for him. So, I don't know. I'm not sure who to believe anymore. And is it because they don't understand how the stride free tree works or is it just that bad? And... I don't know what to do about it, other than see if he likes it or not. There is another really nice saddle fitter who has mentioned coming, but I honestly don't know anything about her skill level. But she seems knowledgeable and nice. But I don't know how soon she'll come. So... gah!! 


But anyways... Dan and I walked up to the arena and then did a bunch of our lateral work at the walk. Well, all of it. He was a bit sluggish today but it may just be me being used to Funny's running walk now. I didn't get any tongue out today but he did chomp a tiny bit. Maybe chomp is too strong a word. He chewed some. We picked up the trot and he almost felt lame. Right front I think. Sigh.. I don't know if it was just tension... fatigue from Thursday... saddle issues.. He did work out of it and it was super subtle. We did a fair amount of lateral work at the trot. Our half passes suck! ha. But we did get better ones at the end. I also did just circles and serpentines without the lateral loading. He does want to throw his right barrel into me. I am not sure when I last adjsuted him so I should do that again. Plus he needs more acupuncture for that shoulder, although at this point it's probably a moot point. Overall though, a pretty decent ride. He didn't feel quite as sproingy today but was nice and soft. 



We accidentally did 13 minutes of trot. Whooops. So we did a cool down lap and then headed out to the lake. He was a bit sluggish on the road too. But he wasn't spooky or anxious so that was good. The last time I tried to ride in the neighborhood he was a nut job. We went to the tennis courts and then headed back home. He definitely was more forward heading home, so... see buddy! You can march!



It was a good day. Tomorrow's weather may not be as nice but we'll still have fun on the trails. Oh, and doesn't he look so handsome in his new halter!?


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