Sunday, March 16, 2025

More dressage at home

 New mantra: Rehab him by focusing on what he CAN do vs what he can't do. In other words... don't keep pushing for the dressage lateral work... instead aim for stuff he can do happily and easily... and strengthen him that way. Even if it means we won't be practicing for evening or dressage. Maybe we'll be cow horses.. or maybe we'll get back to eventing. BUT.. perhaps if I don't keep pushing for third level dressage frames.., he can finally heal and get strong and then perhaps he can do third level. 

Rode at home today with Kelli and Marvin. put PH saddle on. Felt slightly sticky when first trotted, but.. maybe it's the atrophy? Maybe it's the fact that I'm having to post with the saddle vs sitting while bareback so it's not any different.. maybe he's actually finally symetrical but I'm so not...???

tongue came out with turn on haunches left and turn on forehand left (I think it was left) but then was fine. Did lateral work at the trot and even cantered a tiny bit each way. First canter was struggly but then the other direction and back the first way was fine (I think it was the right that was hard). Also stuck his tongut out once when tracking left and maybe doing half pass? But only those two times today.  Felt forward but wanted to brace a little unless i insisted. Kelli said he looked good but was throwing his left hind out some... also said he looked atrophied on his right hind butt. 

Tried to inject his shoulder but ran out of drugs (thought the empty bottle was another full bottle) so only injected 10 mls of sarrapin just under his scapula cranially. Will order more drugs and inject later. 

Seemed happier overall. even mugged Mike for a minute before he pinned his ears

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