Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hitchcock Woods Fun

So much fun! I must plan to do that again!! This weekend Dan and I headed to Stableview for a horse show. However, they ran it as two one day shows. So Prelim and Novice ran on Saturday and Training and Beginner Novice ran on Sunday. Cindy and I decided that we would go up on Friday and hack at Hitchcock woods and then volunteer Saturday and show Sunday. It was a fun weekend.

We made a pit stop at Danielle's farm and adjusted Rusty on our way and then met Cindy at Hitchcock. We had a nice little walk hack with some jumping. :) We couldn't resist. The footing there was a little deep in places and the heat and humidity were awful, so it was nice that I had to keep it under wraps a bit with Cindy and Josie as our company. Dan was actually really good. We started out and he only had one little squeal and half hearted leap up and then he was pretty much on the buckle the whole time. He even let Josie lead a good chunk of the way with no shenanigans in the back. :)

We had a lot of fun and jumped most of the fences in "cathedral aisles' (I think that's what it was called). Dan peeked hard at the first steeplechase style fence but jumped it and then didn't peek at any of the others. So yep.. definitely a fun day!

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