Sunday, December 24, 2023

Fitness Fun on Christmas eve

Man I love this horse. 

I sort of had some goals in mind.. things I want to start getting better at doing vs just thinking I'll do them. But, as usual, stuff happens. But I did them anyways. 

My not so concrete but kind of goals for 2024 for Dan are: 

  • More fitness hacks with attention to more cardio and hills
  • Get over my fear of big tables by jumping big tables every time I'm out in the XC field in a jump saddle. I figured I could jump the novice ones until those are smooth and out of stride and at a good pace. Then get braver and jump the training level ones... and then some of the prelim ones. 
  • Get over the chevron/skinny jump fear. Which means I either need to borrow Lexi's jump, or build my own version of it.. and start jumping skinny but wide rampy things. 
  • Jump more triple bars
And in reality, this means I probably need to dressage less and jump more. So I'll need to figure out some sort of riding plan to get this all accomplished because I also have goals for the gals and for myself and for my family life, so... yeah. But anyways.. I digress. I decided to make today a fitness day. Even though I was still suspicious that Dan might still be a hair off. 

We headed to Ashland and were by ourselves, which.. is ideal for fitness stuff. We started out heading up to the stadium ring as there were a few people XC schooling, although we did get to the arena by going around the small lake and then up the hill in XC to stadium. I trotted him around the arena for a few and... sadly, yep, still a bit assymetrical. Sigh.. Much improved from yesterday though. And in the field he felt sound. 

 Hacked... did some fitness

still a teeny bit assymetrical in the trot in the arena starting out, but much improved from yesterday. Sound in the field.

jumped some tables and coops in xc field. Even took a flyer to the raised ski ramp jump!! Good boy. Then went back to arena and did the grid. even trotted in. Had to stretch at the end, but good boy.

Man I love him. He's trying and wants to play

Then home and trotted off to roll. Kind of hot out. 

Went to get Lyric and the three amigos made faces.

christmas ball - dan's not impressed. he wants cookies. But at least he's being snuggly!

started the CBG today... may still be a bit drunk from gabapentin from yesterday am???

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