Saturday, July 3, 2021

Quick jump session at home

 Dan and I did a quick jump school this morning before I went to the lake with Mike. He was super! We warmed up at the walk and got our lateral work in. Then we trotted and did some cantering. We played a little bit but I didn't want to do too much with the counter canter as I didn't think my seat aids would be as effective in the jump saddle. So I didn't push it. Besides, I'll play dressage tomorrow so we can practice then. Anyways, I had set jumps up the day before. It was one giant X, to a slight bendy line vertical, a "corner", a big oxer, a small square oxer, and then I put up the two stone walls at a slight angle. It wasn't a massive angle, but I wasn't 100% sure I was walking it right, and they are skinnies, and we haven't practiced angles in a while... so...  

He was super! He was drifting a lot right when we first started so we knocked the giant X the second time through. I then managed to ride him straighter and we did fine after that. He jumped all of the things. We did the skinnies by doing one of them first.. then I went for it. And he was game! He didn't try to run out at all. He even self corrected a tiny bit. Yay! He was good and did all of the things, even jumping the vertical on a steep angle too. 

Then we walked back home via Jean's driveway and headed in. It was getting hot and humid and ... lake. 

Good pony! Hopefully tomorrow we can meet Kelli and do some dressage and then get in a nice long hack and splash!

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