Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Playing with Sissy

 Today was a long tiring day.... and I'm a little cranky. My shoulder hurts. Not bad... like, the pain isn't bad. But it's worrisome because... it feels unstable. And my day off, wasn't a day off. And then I added a patient, and she was difficult. And then it was 4:30 before I got home... and it's getting dark. BUT.. I changed clothes and rode and the ponies made it better. 

I lunged Dan first and he was super! Like, he even cantered the poles some. He was more forward and ketp wanting to canter. Although he was also back to chewing on the side reins again, which made him duck behind the vertical and he wasn't as good about coming back up when I swung the whip or lines at him. But we had some nice work. In the beginning he made me giggle because he was walking so much on the edge of the round pen that he was almost stepping underneath the railing. I was so confused because normally he has egg shaped circles and falls in. Then he finally stopped to poop! OHhhhhhh.... Handsomest boy is classy and doesn't like to poop in the path! Sure enough, once he pooped, he was back to falling in. ha ha. Anyways...we then went to the arena and did some work. It wasn't a great ride. There was some good stuff for sure... the left rein trot was better. There were some really good canter to walks and more good walk to canters. But nothing felt stellar or spectacular. Well... that's not true. We actually got some pretty decent trot half passes! So... stellar for us. :) Granted I had on my XC spurs, but that's what I've been using at home because I'm too lazy to move boots from the trailer to the barn, so... my dressage boots have been in the trailer and my jump boots have been in the barn. Oh well. So yeah.. not a bad ride at all. 

Then I grabbed Funny and took her into the arena with us and led her around a bit. Fleck followed us in. And he was awful! He was all snorty and spooky and prancing with his tail up in the air. Funny followed suit a little bit... then she chewed on Dan... but, she stayed with us. We even walked over some poles on the ground and even a half raised pole. And she walked right over the liver pool! Twice! Turns out, Dan is a pretty darn good lead pony... even if his one handed steering isn't always great. :) Then we headed back to the barn and Fleck bolted and Funny tried... and Dan just sat there like it was no big deal. Maybe he would be a good roping horse too. :) Hee hee.... OH... AND... not only would he be a good roper, but apparently he'll make a good working equitation or trail horse or ranch horse because we were able to close the gate and do the snap and chain without me having to get off AND still keeping ahold of Funny AND not letting Fleck get either of them too worked up! Score one for Dan!

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