Sunday, November 17, 2019

More pony club fundraising and more bridle buying and more dressaging!

Went back for Day 2. Tried on the regular dressage bridle and liked it. May end up with that one after all. Also pretty sure I like that browband too.

Went for our ride... did a long session of stretchy trot and 4 loop serpentines to stretch out his back. Then did stretchy canter. Then picked him up and did collection work... lots of walk to trot to halt to reinback to trot to halt to trot to halt to reinback to trot... But small trot... baby trot. Then did canter work. Then worked on canter square turns. Then attempted baby canter pirouettes and actually got a step or two of legit stuff.

Then went for a hack.... flushed a deer... got attacked by bugs.. (it got warm and pleasant out and the bugs returned!). Then came home. 

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