Tuesday, March 1, 2022

We jump Prelim oxers today!

 Well, A prelim oxer. Singular, but we did it damn well!!

We had a good jump lesson. We jumped a couple of jumps in a row and then finished with a course. Jacel reminded me that I've got to to trust it and have faith. I need to be a little braver and go for it rather than hesitate and let his "air brakes" kick in. Because when I'm not committed, he hesitates the tiniest bit and while he still jumps, it's not as smooth as when I cheer him on and encourage him the tiniest bit. When I just say "Yep, let's do this buddy" and keep my leg on and wait softly but encourage, then he gets all awesome and jumps right out of stride. 

So at the end, she told us to do a course and *IF* I felt like it was going well and I was up for it, to add the big giant prelim oxer at the end. She said IF I wasn't feeling it, don't try. No reason to push it. Well, we started our course and it was icky. ha ha. Doh! So we started again and he was awesome and I knew it would go well so we went for it and we nailed it!!! Yahooo!!! It might have been our best jump. And you know why?? Because I rode it. Rather than just let it happen. I made it happen, but not in an over-achieving way.. in a supporting encouraging way. Whoo hoo! 

We also managed a short hack before and after our ride because it was just too pretty of a day to go home. :) 

Check out those knees!!!! :) And I'm not looking too shabby either. :) Whooo hooo!

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