Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Leg Day

 So.... I'm having all sorts of feelings about Dan lately.... mood swings, quite frankly. Sometimes I'm ready to take him out and chase cows and just let him be my shenanigan pony. And then other days, I'm ready to go to UGA or countryside and have them work him up nose to tail and tell me what's wrong and what needs to be fixed so that we can get back out there and do the T3D dammit! And other days.. it's a combo.... 

So on Sunday I shockwaved his stifles because... well, because I thought it might be helpful but also because I had to send my trodes back in to be replaced and they don't give you credit if you have 5000 or less shocks left, so I figured I might as well use up some more shocks while I had them. So I did. Then I also did his scapula for funsies too. 

So today I rode. I was running short on time and had taken Funny to Ashland so Dan had to get ridden at home. I opted to use the equicore on him. I don't know if that was the right choice or not. He's technically still rehabbing from his suspensories... but whatever. That's my mood right now. 

We tacked up and I put the bands on and we walked up Jean's driveway to the arena. We did some walk work and did a tiny bit of lateral work. Then we trotted a little bit and did 5 trot to walk to trot transitions. He felt pretty sound. I don't know...it's sort of hard to tell if there's a head bob but... it was better I think. So then it had been about 15 minutes and he felt a bit behind my leg, so I took the bands off. I definitely didn't want to overdo them. And he was a bit more forward although I still had to get after him once or twice. But it was better. We did some more trotting and even had some nice leg yields at the trot. I did a tiny bit of cantering. It still felt not quite easy and a bit labored... and maybe a bit stickier in the hind end. But... he did it. I had to keep pushing him a bit. He's also coughing a lot again. Argh. I'm not sure if I should treat him with doxy again or try acupuncture or what. I guess I should try acupuncture (Use my seasonal balance for Metal Time (Fall) and that means hexagram #18 conversion.. see I'm studying!). And then I can always add doxy. Or just... let him be. Depending on what happens. 

We had some decent work and he felt more symmetric on our baby trot lengthenings, so yay. Then we hacked back home and did a tiny little neighborhood walk about. He's getting fuzzy and it was humid so he was all crusty! And he had some major butt foam, so he definitely worked hard. But then I noticed after I moved him off the hose that he was standing very tight roped behind... like one hind foot directly in front of the other. That's odd for him! Very unusual. And he sat that way for a good minute or two before he corrected it. Hmmm... 


So... the good news is that Dr. Proctor mentioned a friend coming to play with cows and I invited myself and she told me I was welcome. So that might be fun. And after RRP, which is coming up soon, hopefully Jennifer will take me under her wing for some of the Newton County shows and we can try our hand at obstacles and trails and maybe even some western dressage. And... we've got our appt with Dr. Keelin in two weeks, so... I may just tell her to assess him and then... maybe let's just inject ALL THE THINGS! Like... literally... let's hit everything at once. Because he's probably due for his stifles by now... he may even need his neck done again.... his hocks and suspensories should be okay, but... I'm tired of chasing down the compensatory fires. And I'm more... more tired of not knowing if it's just compensatory fires or if I just need to let it go and give him a different job. So, I might go big one more time with "maintenance" and see what happens. If I can't get him going and maintaining for at least a few months... then... I may just have to accept it's not God's will and enjoy him as a trail horse. I don't mind injecting his stifles twice a year, his hocks twice a year, and his neck twice a year. I don't mind corrective shoeing.... I don't even mind shockwaving and bemering and all that. I just.... don't mind it IF he can go and do things. If I keep hitting this brick wall, then... I'm done. I'm tired. I'm worn out. It's not fun anymore. But I do think I owe it to us both to give it one last big hurrah... after all his surgeries and stall rests and such. So... yeah.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

More information

 I saw a post this morning from Susie Larson that I'm taking to heart. It said "We complicate things when we expect God to talk to us the way He talks to others. Or we see someone who claims to hear Him in detail and we wonder why we don't enjoy such clarity. But if we can learn to trust His love and enjoy His presence, we'll eventually learn to rest in His care. We'll go about our day, trusting that if we're about to lose our way, the Holy Spirit will convict and correct us as needed. And if there's something we need to know, God will make sure to let us know."


And... okay... I love you God... I trust you God... Please help me to hear your voice. BUT.... I'm also going to start trusting that I'm resting in His care. That if I start straying from the path He has set before me, He'll give me warnings. And quite frankly.... I think He has... I think that those are those dread feelings I get in my gut, or the warnings... or the lack of peace on something. Or, maybe it's when all the obstacles are stacking up... or it just gets too hard. The tricky part is knowing what it's God telling me "no, you've veered off the path" vs satan taunting me and using my weaknesses to get to me. Am I powering through because it's important and worth it, or... am I powering through God's roadblocks. Sigh... But, I'm going to try to focus more on this and listen to what I'm not hearing... and see what happens. 


Ultimately... in my heart, I feel like God is saying that Dan is not going to go back to working as an eventer or dressage horse. He could fix him.... but I don't think He will. Not because He can't, but because He has something better in mind. And maybe ..... maybe Lyric and Funny are my eventers and dressage horses. Maybe Dan is meant to be my in to the western world... maybe we'll play with cows. Or maybe we'll do competitive trail. Or maybe... he'll just be my peaceful trail riding and beach riding pony. And I'm getting really close to accepting that and being able to move on. Except... not quite. Some moments more than others. Some... not so much. Yesterday... probably. Today... I don't know. I'm trying to listen to God... I'm trying to move forward in ways that please Him and are what He has set forth for me to do. And maybe, God doesn't even care whether I jump Dan or not. And I don't mean that snarky.. but its not like I'm doing Gods work by showing Dan. Even if He fixes him and we get to do the Training 3 Day goal... and I praise Him for curing my disaster riddled pony.... how does that really advance the Kingdom? Maybe I'm fixating way too hard on my horse and God's trying to tell me that it's really not important. I'm focusing on the wrong things. And I know there is truth to that. Because... really, "he's just a horse". Except he's not. But I do realize that I've got way too much of my happiness or not wrapped up in Dan. And... that's probably not very pleasing to the Lord. So.... I'm going to have to work on that. 


Anyways.... today we met Kelli and Marvin at Ashland. It was a lovely day. The weather was a bit bipolar (not unlike me lately). It was overcast and breezy and then even rained a tiny bit earlier. (Of course while I was riding Funny but not before or after). It looked like it was going to rain pretty heavily when I loaded Dan up but then when we got to Ashland and tacked up, the sun came out and it got steamy! Luckily not for very long... the breeze picked back up and the clouds came back out and it got quite nice. Warm and comfortable in a t-shirt. 


We rode in the arena and Dan still felt kind of lame. Maybe not as bad as Friday but still there. He just felt today like he didn't want to load his right hind. He was fussier leg yielding to the left (having to put his right hind under his body), fussier in the left lead canter, and just... overall a bit fussy. He didn't put his tongue over the bit but he was chompier. He was also dragging the right hind toe (Pretty sure) fairly significantly again. Kelli watched him go and said it wasn't as bad as the other day but worse than the last day when he looked pretty decent. He was still dragging the right hind but not leaving a trench. She said he just looked unhappy too... whereas more recently he didn't seem bothered. And she felt like he was throwing his haunches around to avoid loading the right hind. He got a little stabby in the canter and had it straight, so she couldn't tell if he didn't want to load or didn't want to flex and push off. I did ride through it though and it didn't get worse. We did 15 walk to trot transitions each way and cantered a little bit. His canter felt normal in the sense that he felt connected front and back and not like he was struggling like he was before when it was higher up. This just felt like he was lame at the trot. Though his left lead canter was ... more collected at first, which was rather nice but then he felt like he was almost trying to swap behind but didn't. 

So... then we went for a hack. He felt very haunches right the entire time. Kelli said he was and he was also holding his tail to the left, but that I was also sitting crooked. Sigh... I don't know if it's me, or my saddle... or him. 

So... now I'm wondering if his stifle is bothering him as it's now been a long enough time since it was injected. Which... again, if we're just maintenance, I can do that... so.. toying with whether I go see Dr. Baker (Kristin's super vet who she loves), wait til our Oct appt with Keelin again... try Countryside... or go back to Dr. Barrow. Sigh...  trying to listen God... waiting for any major red flags or gut feelings, but also... again, would love some more obvious clarity too please. 

It was a nice day though. I am grateful that he was sound enough to hack and that we both enjoy it and honestly have a good time on the trails. The weather was delightful 90% of the time. The scenery was lovely. And he was a good boy. 


And I'm grateful that when we got home from the horse show yesterday, after saying hi to Lyric, he came up and said hi to me at the gate! Then this morning, when I rode Funny first, they were silly. 


Blue weather, blue mood

 rainy day but no rain. snuck in a quick ride before heading to poplar with lyric

dan was definitely lame... behind? Maybe front right? but happy to work. did 15 walk to trots each way. one trot canter trot each way. canter feels fine but not together. but doable. 

good pony. he tried. no tongue. mostly happy and quick to the aids. snatched at right shoulder a time or two

Photos: Quickie

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Too frisky!

 Well.. at first. ;)

He was my last ride of the day and he was ready! We got on at the trailer and he marched on off, so we went on a trail ride first. Just a short one because.... stupid amazon truck! We headed left out of the culdesac instead of right and walked down towards the end of the property. A big truck with a trailer with a mower on it came by, slowly... and he was fine. Didn't even flinch. Then another car came by... no big deal. Then an amazon truck came by, quite quickly and Dan lost it! He slammed on the brakes and then bolted, and almost slung me off... then slammed on the brakes and tried to spin a second time, almost slinging me over his head again! Jeesh. I managed to not fall off but it was a CLOSE CALL twice! Slow down dude!! Seriously.. you see me almost being yeeted... slow the frick down! He sort of waved an apology to me...without hitting the brakes at all. Sigh... We walked a little farther after that but then turned and headed home. Man... my shoulders hurt after that and I had a massage this morning. Sigh..


We headed to the arena and walked a little bit. Then we did leg yield each way at the walk. And then I did 15 trot to walk to trot transitions each way, with a break in between. He felt pretty good. On our road walk he felt really quite neuro honestly... like he had no idea where his feet were. He felt loose and sloppy. But in the arena he felt better and the trot was pretty sound. Maybe a mild front right lameness, but that's probably scapula. So then we took another break and then I did one trot to canter to trot each way. I know.. I'm supposed to be walking still, I guess. We're into the 5th week of our 6 weeks of walk but that was without doing the steroid injections, so... I don't even know anymore. 


So then we immediately went out and hacked back home as his reward. He actually cantered both ways without too much struggle, though he definitely wasn't dragging me for more. At this point, it's so hard to tell what's pain... what's weakness... what's fatigue... what's... what?! But we walked to the beach and back. He insisted on going onto the beach... not sure we're allowed, but we didn't poop so.... why not! He wasn't stressed so I'm not sure what was going on the other day on our trail ride. 


Good pony. Mostly. 


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Friskier today

 Dan's worried about me

snuggly, but still snarly

hacked. sounder in the arena mostly... felt snappier with his hind end and didn't leave drag marks. but didn't do any lateral work at the walk. no tongue. 

put him in lyrics bridle - no tongue but a little chompy

only rode for a few minutes then hacked. Happy in his hack... kept trotting and felt good. pretty much left him on the buckle but did get him on the bit a few times...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

No tongue

 Rode at ashland

shockwaved yesterday

adjusted after ride

lateral walk work in arena.. no tongue but chompy. Did shoulder in, hauches in, leg yield, and then a tiny bit of trot. Lame at the trot. dragging right hind toe. 

long walk. then adjusted him after at the trailer. nothing alarming