Tuesday, March 15, 2022

On the buckle

 So... today was a good day! I think Dan is grateful that I heard him and realizes I'm trying. And he's trying. I swear he seems happier and less anxious already. 

We had a lesson with Jacel. I almost cancelled to keep doing what I was doing, but I honestly wanted her opinion and technically I had already scheduled one last week that got rained out... and then Sat got "winded" out... so I ketp todays. And I'm so glad I did. 

I met Kelli early and while she lunged and rode a bit, I did some groundwork. Pillar 1 stuff. He was super distracted because random noises kept going off in the distance. BUT... we did get some good work and he was licking and chewing, so yay. After that we went and hung out while I waited for Kelli to finish up so we could hack. I did a little bit of abduction work with him... I have no idea if that's recommended or not, but they kept saying how abduction was great for building up those muscles to protect the nerve bundle, so we did some lateral work at the walk and some turn on the haunches but.. modified. Not a true dressage version, but a phsyio version. In my opinion anyways. Then we went for a walk. We ran out of time so basically just went to the lake and back. 

Then it was time for my lesson. I basically told Jacel all the thoughts I had in my head and she agreed but also discussed that he has to use his hind end to. And reminded me that in order to free up his hind end and back he has to unlock his barrel. Yes.... I agree. She had us start off at the walk. And she watched a minute. I was on a loose rein but was trying to keep him unbraced. She asked me to leg yield in and out and noticed immediately that my arms got tight (my arm veins bulged! ha) and that I immediately went to his face. Even on a loose rein. So she told me to not get tense but instead widen my hands. If he hollowed, just widen my hands and turn my thumbs out to unlock his jaw and he immediately softened. Okay... so she reminded me again to not ride his head. Then she told me to drop the reins entirely. She said that I was too busy doing his job for him. I didn't let him figure it out on his own. So on the buckle... she had me turn to her.. then turn the other way. Basically we did figure 8's. Off my seat and leg aids. And it made me move my shoulders and upper body too. It was tough at first. It's hard not to go to my hands. But it was a great exercise. And duh.. one I had been doing for a bit. Not exactly the same way or for the same reasons, but for awhile there I was "practicing for bridleless riding" by riding on the buckle in my warm up. And noted that it helped my focus on my position. And my seat and leg aids. Duh. So yeah... The other great thing was that it got me riding off my leg position too. Like... for some reason I was clamping down both legs asking for a leg yield.. basically shutting the door. If I opened/softened my leg, I allowed room for his barrel to move over. And then, we progressed to turns and for whatever stupid reason.. it finally dawned on me how to get him to bend around my inside leg. And it was like all the little lightbulbs... because when I moved him around my inside leg, and used my upper outside leg to move the shoulder, and turned my shoulders, he flowed around the turn. And he stayed on the "correct lead".... he didn't tip or motorcyle.. his dorsal spinous processes stayed upright. OHHHHHHH... this is nice. And he agreed. He became more forward and energetic and started moving those hind legs instead of just dragging his toes. 

So then we trotted. And... he immediately hollowed into it and then shut down. She asked why I was gripping with my knees. Well... because I'm trying to turn my heels out and look dressage pretty. She said not to. She actually had me open my knees (ACKKKK... my brain rebelled at first, but... fine...) and then sit deep. And holy smokes... I may have looked stupid as all get out, but... I could actually sit my seat in the saddle without clenching my cheeks and Dan was able to move forward! Ahhhhhh... okay. I can dig this. It's probably not pretty and I might cry if I saw photos or videos but... if my horse is happy, I'll go with it. Maybe it's a stepping stone. Maybe once I figure out my seat (even if it means knees out) then after I get comfy there, I can start getting my legs drapier and a more "proper" dressage position. So we did that and we turned and did figure 8's and I didn't need my reins. And Dan stayed soft and happy and I'm pretty certain he never once braced in the underneck. Partially because he couldn't... I had no contact for him to lean on. 

Then we went into the canter. And.. it was a decent canter! He took a few strides to settle but then he breathed and blew and stretched down and was soft and happy and round. Jacel said his tail had lifted up a bit (in a good relaxed his back is moving way) and I felt that. I mean, I felt that his back was happy and relaxed. And he was flowing. He fell out of it a few times, but it's okay. Strength training buddy, strength training. So then, she had me pick the canter back up and take my reins up an inch. No change. Then we took them up another inch or two. No bad changes, but he started to shorten his body just a hair and collect up just a hair. NICE!!! This is cool. Then we took the reins up a bit more. Still not "on the bit" or with any real contact, but... he rounded right up and I swear it was the most flowy and back moving and round and nice canter we've had in a while. So... that was really kind of exciting. 

She was like... see?! He just needs you to stop riding his face. Essentially. She might have said it nicer. But I had to stop micromanaging and holding him up and fighting him. She said some of his inconsistency was him looking for me to tell him what to do and where to be. Nope, sorry dude. You have to hold yourself up now. And he was figuring it out. And I think he liked it better! It was definitely MUCH less stressful. And not once did his tongue come out. And not once did he snatch at his shoulder other than the very beginning when I wasn't truly letting go. 

So... that's the plan. Ride like that for a bit. Keep doing the pillar work. And see what happens. And yes... I do wonder if he was still on the forehand some.... in the sense that he felt "quick" but not necessarily in an unbalanced on the forehand quick. Really... not the same feeling as I've had before when I said he felt like he was running onto the forehand and I was having to hold him up. He just felt... faster. But perhaps that was forward and not just fast/running. And maybe the super slow pace I was having to go to to get him to bring his balance back to his center.... was only because of the heavy contact in his mouth? I don't know. Maybe today was still a bit to "on the forehand" but I do think it was better and we can't expect him to carry himself in a third level rocked back on the haunches frame immediately. So.... we shall see. I'm optimistic and he's happier, so... yay for that! 

So.. remember... 

on the buckle. he must carry himself. no rigid arms...wide arms if I need to get him to let go again. Turn the thumbs out to "unlock" the jaw if needed. Ride the turns around my inside leg and guide with the outside leg. Keep him on all four table legs/upright. turn my knees out to soften my butt cheeks and sit up and back. 


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