Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Saddle fitting

 Saddle fitting with Kim

Cranky pants for grooming and body work. Got his saddle fixed... did a quick warm up then Kim got on... worked on keeping his T1-C5 straight above all other things.... he can't cheat.. even if it means he half passes or leg yields or whatever. No counterbending but subtle counterbending to avoid him overflexing is okay. Focus on lifting the shoulder blades and withers and sternum... lifting his sling. Which means I also need to slow him down a little bit and not let him run off on the forehand. Hard but we got some decent work and then 3 really good steps. He wasn't unwilling but it was hard for him. Fussy but no tongue and no biting at his shoulder. He's trying... he's really trying. She thought his hind end felt great and even said he felt better in his body than he did last time she rode him, so yay!

Did some fascial work on his armpit mud flap... string the guitar cord and get rid of those cords. he doesn't want to step back with the right front. It's not so much the forward.. he can fling it. It's the initiating the lift before the forward that is the real struggle and the likely "lameness" feel. Work on stepping back some too. Continue the BTMM stuff. 

Hosed him off cause he's so crusty

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