Friday, October 18, 2024

Bless him

 Poor Danimal....


Sigh.... I got off work early today and after a quick lunch we headed to Ashland for a nice enjoyable trail ride. I was so looking forward to it.. just me and Dan... the great weather.... We got to Ashland and I left him on the trailer while I ran to the restroom. When I pulled him off he was on guard and was looking at the jump arena. Dude.. it's not sprinklers! I promise.. it's just the tractor.. they're just dragging the arena. He was upset. Not quite as upset as he is with the sprinklers, but.. .upset enough that I had to hold him and not tie him to the trailer. I was able to brush him real quick and throw the bareback pad on and grab my helmet and bridle. But I couldn't even bridle him without taking his halter off! He had his head so high up in the air I had to use my step stool to get the bridle over his ears. But at least he wasn't shaking! Seriously Dan.... it's just a tractor! You're 13 years old!!


I managed to get on and we set off away from the jump arena but he was jigging and had his neck arched. Daniel... this is NOT good for your suspensory! I couldn't get him to walk. He wasn't threatening to run or bolt and he was holding it together but if I softened on the reins, he got bigger in his jigging. Ugh... I managed to keep him to a small jig but it lasted all the way to the lake. When we got near the XC field I tried to let him walk in the open because the tractor had moved out there. And he saw the tractor and was okay with it but was still upset and nervous. So we went into the woods and jigged to the lake. He wouldn't go in the lake. So then we headed across the lake and went into the woods and across the bridge and headed out towards twix and tween I think. He was still jigging but had finally started to walk more flat footed and by the time we got to the opening between twix and tween, he was walking. A power walk... and he was tense and chompy, but... a walk. And no tongue! We went and continued in the woods and had two groups of deer moving by. Luckily he saw them and didn't spook. Then we crossed the creek and went into the field behind halfshire, and spooked more deer! He finally took a breath and ate some grass there. But it was definite nervous eating and he was not settled. We headed to the magical lane and went by green lake. There were people there and he heard them and looked but didn't panic. Then we continued down the path and a car decided to leave. Ughhhh... But luckily they were amazing and kept a far distance so Dan didn't care. He may not have anyways, but on a day like today, who knows?! We crossed back behind Ashlands fields and I told him he could pick the way home. He decided to go back to the lake. Nope... dude, you have to at least go towards the trailer. I sort of expected him to go around pterydactyl lake but he went back to the cross country field instead. The tractor was gone so we walked out in the field and he ate some grass. But he was definitely still nervous and staring at the jump arena. 


I made him walk a few circles in the lake but he was preoccupied so we only did a few and then headed out. I am a mean mom and made him go up to the jump arena to show him that it wasn't scary. And bless him, he did it. He was nervous but he did. We even walked around the jump arena... trotted a tiny bit and I even picked up a canter for about 6 strides. Then we walked back home and I got off. He was sooooo hot and sweaty! Like.... rivers of sweat and dirt coming off from under the saddle pad. So I had to hose him. It was still 67 degrees but it was getting to be evening so I felt bad for him. But, he was already wet with sweat, so... I hosed him. I did take him to graze in the sun for a bit first. He dragged me towards the arenas because he was starting up at the jump arena. I did manage to get him grazing in between the dressage arenas but he wasn't relaxed about it. He at least loaded up and then we went to Kroger to pick up my meds too. He was mostly dry by the time we got home though still very much on edge. But at least he wasn't sweating again!


I feel so bad for him but I don't know how to fix his fear issue. Maybe I need to ride up there more often? Maybe if he gets like this I just need to keep him in the trailer and turn around and go home? Maybe I should have walked him up there since it wasn't the sprinklers this time? I just worry that he'd get more worked up. But I've got to give him credit... as scared and upset as he was... he went everywhere I asked him to, he didn't bolt, he didn't run, he didn't buck, he didn't spook... he just jigged. And coped. Bless his heart! I was half tempted to let him run, but I didn't want to make him sore on his suspensories. Although I think he is sore, because of the jigging.  Sigh..





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