Thursday, July 7, 2022

We Survived!!!! Freedom!!!

 Today is FULL TURN OUT ALLOWANCE!!!!!  Whoo hooo! We made it buddy!! And not even barely. And without damaging our relationship. In fact, this time, I think we strengthened it :) Ahhhhhh... Thank you God!

Unfortunately, I had a migraine Monday and had to move my patients from that afternoon to this morning, so my plan of turning them all out together and monitoring didn't happen. So I did decide to leave him out in his pasture by himself and leave Funny and Fleck out together in their pasture while I worked. There was a nice breeze intermittently and they had shade. But, it was hot and steamy. I managed to get home 30 minutes before his massage, so I left him out and ate a quick lunch and then brought him in. I would have had 15 minutes for him to cool off and rest, but... he was so nasty!! He was sweaty and crusty and dirty. And she was 15 min early. Ack! Which totally stressed me out and then I got Dan all stressed out and he was a wild child. I did manage to hose him off and get all the crusties off and we put him in front of the fan. So at least she wasn't dealing with dirty and sweaty and nasty.. just damp. And I finally calmed down and then he started to calm down too. But he was all in a tizzy and a mood. She was laughing and saying that she would never guess he's 11... she would have guessed 4. Dude! I know plenty of 4 year olds better behaved! ha ha. But he did settle. He got a good massage and she thought he felt and looked better. I haven't been doing the hip stretches like I should have but I'll try to remember. She tried and he was a little fussy, so I tried and he actually did a really good stretch with his right hind. So yay! So then we watched him walk and she said that he intermittently would drop that one hip more but not every stride. I then asked her to watch him trot and just trotted him for about 12 strides in the culdesac. He sounded quite sound. Yay! And she said he still had a slight difference in his hip drops, but not too bad. She thought it was likely just a little muscle atrophy post surgery. Maybe?! 

Anyways, then I put them back in their stalls and worked Funny. Then we had to go pick up my car from getting new tires. So then when I got home it was 6ish. I fed them and then... turned them out! I didn't give Fleck any bute and I did give Funny some sedatives, so... fingers crossed. Dan went out first and the others stayed in playing musical stalls looking for leftovers. Dan went out and rolled and then when he got up, he leapt straight up in the air, bucked while in the air, and then upon landing on his front feet, they almost buckled/slipped and he almost landed on his nose. He saved it though and stayed upright. Goodber. That was an impressive buck though! Then he and Fleck and Funny all intermingled and there was some ugly faces but nothing major. Then Dan wandered off again and eventually the other two did also. Everyone seemed fine and happy and chill, so.... yay! 

Hopefully they'll be fine in the morning and I can leave them out. That way they can have access to their stalls for fans and shade but won't be locked in. I'm so tired of cleaning stalls! And it gets so hot in the barn. I'm not sure if they'd be happier out or in. Although Dan was definitely way sweatier out today than usually when he's in. But still. And then Saturday I'm volunteering all day so they'll be on their own then too, so if they can cooperate and stay out together, it'll be easier for me. 

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