Today was supposed to be a super fun day. I was so excited because I had in hand lessons scheduled with Rana for both ponies. And I was going to work on Marvin, since he's at Camp Rana at the moment. I hitched up the trailer last night and got up early this am and packed my lunch, filled hay nets, moved all my stuff for work to the truck, and then after feeding... I pulled Dan out and gave him a bath. He was nasty and I was too embarassed to take him to Rana's looking like that! And then Rana called and said it was storming there and the radar looked rough for the rest of the day too. Sigh.. I knew it was coming, but... it made me sad. And I pouted. Because to make it worse, she and I couldn't coordinate until (not this) but next Saturday. Sigh. I was mad. Not at her. Not at anything in particular, just mad. I was so looking forward to some sort of adventure and doing SOMETHING. Any sort of progress. And then I started obsessing and thinking that this will set me back a month... Yeah, I spiraled a little. Sigh. And then Dan was being a wiggle butt and since I was already annoyed, this highly annoyed me. Then when I walked away for a minute he somehow managed to step into my little shelf and pull it over... spewing all of my shampoos and such into the wash rack. Grrr.. I managed to get him rinsed and moved to the aisle and then bemered him. Then I decided since I had to pick up the washrack anyways, now was my chance to try to scrape out the pile up of debris on the sides and from under the mats. So I did that. I let Dan go and eat and then later the morning I pulled him back in and acupunctured him. He was a tiny bit sore over his SI again but it adjusted out and that was all that needed to be redone. So yay! The fact that he's holding most of his adjustment (all but the pelvis) was pretty cool. He was a good boy for his acupuncture and we did a tiny bit of pillar work. Then I turned him out again.
hen later after dinner I decided to take him to the arena for a bit more pillar work. He was a good boy. A little greedy because I gave him two of those new peppermint treats when I haltered him. He was cracking me up. He was doing pillar one with his mouth open and his lips wiggling. Hee hee. Like a little pirahna. But he never bit... just lipped me and waved his lips around. ha ha. Goofy. I wish I had thought to get video of that.
After our session, which wasn't very long, I put him on the hill outside the arena for one last pillar 1 session. I should have known better! He was trying to be good but Sissy came up and interupted. Then it was a game. I released Dan and they went to playing! He was trying to roll and of course he picked the red clay. But he only got one side and hopped up, while going uphill, and then took off with Funny. Goobers!
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