Sunday, July 10, 2022

Bad Mommy

 Ugh. Today wasn't a good day. I'm exhausted, I'm tired of being hot and sweaty and stinky, and I just didn't feel great! It was supposed to be cooler today and maybe a little bit at times, but not really. I spent the morning doing invoices and reports and laundry and dishes. Then I went to work ponies. I did Funny first as she volunteered. And Dan was running around a little bit being silly while I worked her. Goober! You're still on drugs!!! Oh well. 


After her turn I snagged him. Unfortunately she ran back to the barn and left us, which meant he was not focusing. And because I wasn't feeling great and was hot and sweaty and cranky, I got mad at him. Sigh. I tried not to. I tried to be in the moment, but... for crying out loud... He wouldn't pay attention and he wouldn't soften. He kept going into alert mode, bracing his neck. At one point I think I even slapped him and said "Pay attention to me!". Mature Holly... ugh. We did manage to get some decent work in, although at one point he got silly and was trotting in circles and I thought he looked lame up front. Sigh. Nooooooo. We did manage to get a little bit of good work and we headed in for a rinse. Because he also rolled and was sweaty and dirty before hand even, so he was NASTY! Worse than Funny even. Or maybe not, but you could see it more on him. I don't know... I think he was worse. 

So then I came inside to cool off and basically just started crying. I'm a terrible trainer. My poor horse is my emotional punching bag. That's so unfair to him. We barely accomplished anything today.. there was only a few licks and chews.. no processing, no yawns. And I'm so frustrated because I feel like he's looking worse and I just want him to look better and feel better so we can stay on track. Ugh. 

I went and got feed and after I fed them dinner we did a little bit more work in the barn aisle and then the driveway. It wasn't much better but I did manage to do a tiny bit of bodywork and get a few licks and chews. 

So.. here's the progress photos... Not sure if it'll help me feel better or make me feel worse because maybe I am right in thinking he's regressed. Sigh..

Chest Progression: 


March 2022, April 2022


May 2022, June 2022

July 2022
 (so maybe it's not quite as bad as I thought. I still feel like he was better in the 2nd photo vs today, but I suppose surgery may have created some issues. At least we are better than the first photo).

April 2022

May 2022, post surgery

July 2022

But, I am pretty proud of him. All 3 of them. They are all getting along and back turned out together. Him and Funny are happy as clams. He's been running and playing a little bit, but even without bell boots ( I have no idea where either of them are after a few nights of turn out), he's kept his shoes on! Although I did get him the pull on kind today and put them on, so... yay. 

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