Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A good ride

 I finished early today! Yay for multiple horses at one barn. I got home and drug the arena and then grabbed Dan for a ride. It was actually a pretty good ride. We got some nice trot work. Still the economy trot but soft. I think anyways. I did let him do two lengthens across the arena which made him happy. And we tried to keep it rocked back. Of course then he got all excited and was raring to go, but managed to settle. We did two little canters too, with him very much "on the buckle" and round and deep. We finished with some walk to trot to walk transitions off my seat that were smooth and soft and not slammy. Yay!

It was a pretty night. Tomorrow is our 1:1 session, so... hopefully we won't get rained out and it will go well!

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