Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Stormy Weather

 Today was a bad weather day. It was my day off too. Oh well. It was sort of nice.. in theory. ;) I didn't sleep great because of the dogs and the weather. And I woke up early despite not having any reason to get up. Sigh. Oh well. It finally quit raining for a brief moment so I decided to bed stalls since they've been peeing so much I was running low on shavings. So I did that. Then I spent the morning doing work paperwork. And it kept drizzling on and off. Argh! Supposedly it was supposed to clear out by 1ish... So I was hoping. Well, at noon, it was still raining so I ran some errands. I got home at 3...still raining, but radar showed NOTHING else. So... I decided to give it a try. I went and fetched Dan and then noticed that the skies were blue behind him, but black in front of him. Argh!!! Now what?!? I debated not going.... so I took a minute and put him in the roundpen for a minute. We worked on our "calm down button". He's much better yielding to the left than the right. And he got a little sassy and up, but the wind was also whipping and Funny was being silly. So... we did a little bit of a work and then I decided the sky looked better, so off we went.

We had fun. We did some fitness work... hills, a 10 minute trot, followed by two 3 minute canters. And he opened up. He didn't gallop, or drop a gear like he did the other day, but he definitely opened up and put in a fast canter. Then we went for a long hack, with some more trotting. It was fun. And the weather was pretty amazing. For as rainy of a day it was, it got beautiful and the sun came out. Ahhhh... I'm glad we came. I think Dan is too. 

Also... it felt a bit like Fall today. Still humid, but way better... much cooler temps... a brisk chilly breeze, falling leaves.... YES!!!!

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