Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 It's kind of all coming together... shockingly.. it the horse world. The rest of the world drove me bananas today.

But... Dr. Kate can see Dan IN AIKEN next Friday. And I can move my clients that day. That also means we can still do the cattle drive and stableview. And then I finally heard back about the saddle fitter who wants to come Tuesday, which.. is when we had planned to go XC schooling but.. she wants to be there first thing in the am, so.. that should hopefully work. We an go XC schooling after. So... yay for all that. 

Anyways... rode today after a frustrating day. But Dan was super. besides being super distracted at whatever was going on at Jean's gate.. guessing it needed repairs? 

Did the same ride as my lesson but on a smaller scale and with probably less intensity as I didn't have the trainer watching. But got some nice trot half pass and got some nice canters. we even did the left lead counter canter shallow loop without any fussiness or tongue coming out. He did start to get a little quick, so we went to something else and then quit. I'm trying to listen to the fatigue. but yeah... quite a good boy. I didn't feel any soundness issues either. So... I have no clue. Maybe he was sore from Sat? Maybe I am nicer/allow him to cheat when I'm not lessoning... maybe we just didn't get him to the point of fatigue today??

lovely hack home, stopped to chat with the halloween decor.

him and funny snuggled.

oh, and last night.. when i was snuggling with Lyric.. he was watching... maybe jealous???

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