Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Productive Day

So.. that was a fun trip! I had a good drive there listening to podcasts and talking to friends. This rabbit hole I'm going down with the nerve impingement is fascinating!!!! The labs were fun and helpful and we finished early enough both days. The first day I ended up going to Target to find a bathing suit since I'm a dummy and forgot to pack one. And by the time I did that I decided to just go back to the hotel and study. But then Monday.... we finished at noon! It was early enough that I was tempted to drive home, but I was also torn because... I so wanted to go to the beach! So I compromised. ;) I went to the beach and was going to get lunch and then go home. But by the time I got to the beach, waited for a table, and then ate.... it was much later than I had anticipated. And the beach was nice. Not Destin sand nice but the water was lovely. So I sat out there for about 45 min waiting for my table and another 30 minutes after I ate. Then I went back to the hotel and showered and headed out. Which put me home at midnight. But that's okay. Becuase then I had all of Tuesday to do things. :) 

I couldn't sleep in because Emma was being obnoxius so I just got up. Mike and I went to breakfast. Then I took both heathens to Ashland. Funny stood fairly politely on the trailer while I tacked Dan up and then we went for a long hack. And of course, I had my saddle on, and Dan decided to pretty much go for a swim. Doh! Oh well. Funny ALMOST swam too but not quite. :) We had a good fun ride. 

When we got home I turned them out and drug the arena. Then I worked with both of them on the pillar work and got some good releases. Then I taped Dan. Practicing what I learned! I did the taping to help soften his brachiocephalicus.. ie "unspasm" it. And I did some suspensory tapings. In the course they talked about how the suspensory up high is trapped in an anatomical bony box and how when it swells/gets inflamed.. there's no where for it to go, which is why it hurts so much. And rather than doing the nerve cutting/fasciotomy... taping can help give it a place to go... which then allows the inflammation to dissipate. SO COOL! So I was a little concerned about Dan's hind end and figured it would be good practice so I did it. That's a hard one to do. Web cuts and overlapping. It wasn't great, but.. it wasn't too terrible. And he seemed pleased! We got some good releases. Or he was just super bored. ha ha. 

Then dinner with Mike. So yay! Definitely worth coming home at midnight for and missing out on beach time by myself.

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