Thursday, May 3, 2012

More Adventures for the Danny Man

So... we went on another trail ride today. We met up with Peri and Sunny and took the Olympic rings trail. Things were going well. As usual, Danny spent the first 20 minutes or so chewing and playing on the end of the lead rope. But he settled down a bit quicker this time and was a great pony for most of the ride. We finished up by the two little log jumps and I made him and Fleck jump them. Danny was hilarious! Peri said he really jumped UP! So then I got off Fleck and was going to do it in hand, because he was a little behind Fleck and trying to not do it rather than just following. I *thought* Flecky would stay put, but... nope. The big goober pulled a "Danny" and started trotting off! BUT... luckily he decided to come back a bit and let me catch him. So I was then able to get Peri to hold him and trot Danny over both logs. He did great, despite almost landing on me after the second one. Doofus! But yay... it was a fun adventure.

This was the slurpy marks he left on Fleck while chewing on him. There are matching marks on Fleck's face. Poor Flecky.....

Soon I plan to get him over to Ashland Farm again to play with the water and banks and ditches again. And I checked the calendar... we need to start our in hand traingle work again! There's a show in August and September!

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