Saturday, September 16, 2023

Back to Steel

 So, I caved! I just felt like Dan was not doing as well in the glue ons. There were times when he felt fantastic and I loved a lot of things about them.. and I'm sure I'll have some regrets, but... I just wasn't as happy with his angles and his sole depth and lately, we've been having more and more lameness issues that seem related to his feet. So... we hauled to Dr. Barrow and had Patrick shoe him. We decided to do bar shoes up front for more stability and pour in pads to help him grow some sole. Then in the backs, we just did regular flat shoes. At the next cycle we'll radiograph him again and check his angles. I love the fact that we all agree that we'll do what we need to do to get him back in alignment and change his growth pattern so that we can get him in the most minimal shoe package long term. (And maybe even barefoot later, though that's just me thinking, not necessarily them talking). 

Dan was cracking me up while we were there. He looked like a pumpkin because he got rained on and was orange. Nice...  He's so silly. But he was pretty good. A little fussy and snatchy but I do think that perhaps he's a little tender. Or maybe, like Dr. Barrow said, because he's been compensating, he is tight in his shoulders/neck base. So we'll see. I need to adjust him this weekend too now that he's all realigned. I pray that I heard God right and did the right thing. Guess we'll find out when I ride and we do more rads next cycle. 

I do hope to ride tomorrow. Today, we came home early from the show because Lyric is lame. :( Sigh.. that's another saga and also shoe related. But it's been raining on and off all day and apparently I gave myself an eye ulcer, which hurts so freaking bad! So today is a sit on the couch and close my eyes and medicate them with lube. Hopefully we can ride tomorrow.

Oh, and... his preliminary path report came back.. very few eosinophils, so.. unlikely allergic. He did have rods and cocci and some fungi. SO.... I was right... lake pneumonia most likely. Jeesh... I feel terrible. But.. yay! Because that's (in theory) WAY easier to treat!!! And hopefully we can resolve it and not have to manage him for life. 

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