We're getting it!!!
Despite the fact that Dan made ugly faces at me while tacking up, so I spanked him, which caused him to jump on my pinky toe, which hurt, a lot, we had a good ride. We didn't warm up like we usually do because Jean was talking to us and I was trying to get to Mike's Mom's in time to see the grandparents. But we did a little warm up and then went to work. I had given him bute this morning to see if it made a difference. I think it did. He only turned to his shoulder once or twice today instead of repeatedly. We basically just did our collected work and did some changes within the gaits. He's really listening to my seat now! Well... I'm guessing he's been listening to my seat, but I'm now aware of my seat so that I'm asking for more specific stuff and he's doing what I'm asking, so I think he's listening, when in reality, he's been listening, I just wasn't asking right. But anyways.... yay! We are really starting to get the hang of the canter half pass now. Now that I can keep my inside lower leg off of him. We practiced our simple changes, which have degraded a little bit. BUT, our half passes are better now and we even held a tight 3 loop serpentine which was cool. So yay!
Fun ride! I got some of it on pivo, but haven't been able to edit yet.
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