Thursday, January 30, 2025

God Loves Me.. and so does Dan!!

 Today is hard. I'm exhausterwhelmulated. :) It's been a rough month. I'm feeling overwhelmed and I'm tired.. I'm cranky.. hormonal. I didn't sleep great last night despite being exhausted after adjusting 14 horses and a dog. I woke up cranky, grumpy and tired. But I had to work... on my day off... again. Because of the snow day. I'm carrying the weight of multiple friends/family members struggles (not because they've asked but because I'm a fixer... but there's nothing I can do and it sucks and it's making me sad and overwhelmed). I want to ride... 


I got up and headed out to feed and noticed that there was a gorgeous sunrise. Oooh, that's a really pretty one. And then it just kept getting prettier. And then... a double rainbow!! It was like God smiled down on me and told me He loved me! And I was smiling and felt better instantly! Thank you God! 


It ended up being a fun work day. I got to see a great client and her two ponies.. then went and worked on 3 mini's, which always makes my day. Even if it wasn't Cloud or Sky. Although I did give snuggles to Sky, who tried to bite me on the nose! Naughty girl! Then I grabbed lunch and headed home. It was only 2ish so yahoo!! I figured I would inject the ponies and then ride Funny at home and then hopefully have time to spread manure and drag the arena before the rain tomorrow. And.. ha! I barely had time to lunge Funny, and definitely didn't get the tractor out. Sigh... But... I got Dan injected. And Lyric.. sort of injected. ;) 

I started with Dan because I figured he would be the better one to warm up on. Plus he was going to take a lot longer to dry off since he's so much hairier. So I did all the things. And sedated him. And then injected him. He was perfect! I did go a little too deep in one spot and he jumped and shot me a dirty look, but then held his ground and let me finish. I don't even know that he was still that drunk by the time we finished but he stood like a gentleman. He does love me!!! I also shockwaved his shoulder girdle and did his atrophied area too because why not?! And then I had to rinse all the goo off him and figured I might as well rinse his butt too. Luckily he was super and ate his hay and didn't roll.  Good boy! He really is a good kid. Sometimes. ;) 

I really hope that this helps him and we can get him happy and comfy again. And to be honest, I hope he can get back to riding more than just trails. I'd LOVE to jump him, but even just dressaging him again would be nice. But... God's will. I'm still so grateful that he's around... and he's hackable! Because he is so much fun to hack. He's just also so much fun to do other things with too!


 They watched me lunge Funny.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 Short hack.. tried to get back to be able to inject backs but didn't have needles. ugh. 

lovely ride in the sunshine though. did our trots but he cheated and cantered a few strides to and over the log on the ground. Happy about it!! His choice. Yay!


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Rehab at home

 Ran out of time but (hopefully) got the auto waterer fixed. 

so rode at home

walked and trotted in field for 2 of the 5 minutes of trot. Then did arena for the last 3 minutes. did lateral work. tongue came out in turn on the forehand right and turn on the haunches right but not before. did feel sluggish and trippy today compared to yesterday. But did leg yield at trot and felt better

Chasing the sun

 Family over for birthday celebration, yummy lunch at Town 220, nice visit with family, good chat with Chavvy

Then snuck off to Ashland with dan