So nothing terribly exciting today but we went back to Rana's for another in hand lesson. I did him first and he was great. He only grabbed the lead line twice and that was only half heartedly. He went to work and didn't call for Funny and was really quiet and soft. He was cheating a little by not bending as well through his ribs, so Rana had me focus on his footfalls and getting his hind end to not sling out. It helps to really push him into the outside in the corners, as the corners hold his hind end in. We also worked on half halting with my body position. I'm still super confused about how to do it, but... while I may not have been doing it right with my body, he got the memo and we got some halts. Not quite half halts, but we'll get there. He kept breaking to a walk instead of slowing his trot, but... we'll get there. It was also hot and humid so he was not too keen on going. BUT, he didn't really stop unless I asked, so yay!
Then we talked about our homework. Working on keeping the front end out in line with the hind end. Also working on the half halt with my body. And instilling the leg aid for bend, by using the whip at his girth while also half halting on the line to teach him to bend around my inside leg. And.. Rana suggested I go ahead and put the bit on the cavesson while I do this. He's so relaxed in this work and really seems to enjoy it. She thinks that if I put the bit in and do this another month, he'll get over the tongue thing. This way there's no "reward" for him because there's no connection to lose. And if I (I'm gonna have to try really hard) just ignore it and not give him any feedback (even negative feedback is feedback and then we're playing) he'll hopefully just give it up. And I do agree with Kelli.. I do think there is a fair degree of tension relation. It definitely seems more problematic when he's tense. And since he gets so relaxed and happy and really enjoys this work, maybe this will be good reinforcement. So, that's the plan. And Thursday he gets his hocks injected, so.. I will hopefully get to start trotting under saddle. But I'll still keep doing this before rides and on days I can't ride. Hopefully by October he'll be brand new and sound and keep his tongue in place!