Wednesday, May 15, 2024

And.... here we go!!

 Oh my goodness... Danny and I are turning into hot messes! He was kind of an anxious mess today. And I cried. Doh!

Today is head to Ocala for surgery day. I was able to sleep in a tiny bit... not much because they were making noise in their stalls by 7:30 am. (Get used to it Holly.. it's gonna be non-stop for 8 weeks!). And then the dogs were clickety clacketing with their nails... and Cheese was screaming again. I think it's old cat dementia. So, I got up. I was able to feed everyone and then let him go eat some grass and enjoy the lovely morning while I finished cleaning the barn and prepped his stall. I ended up bedding it and locking it shut so the other horses don't poop and pee it all up before we return. Then I did the dishes and ate breakfast and packed the last final things and.. then it was just about time to go. I gave Dan a quick bath as he was fairly dirty considering he got a rinse yesterday but also not nearly as bad as he could have been given that it stormed again last night and we have red clay. He was kind of anxious for his bath but not too bad. We loaded up and headed out for our 5.5 hr drive. I was able to get my trailer cam working although it was staticy and shorting in and out. But it worked enough to watch him, which was kind of entertaining. I don't think he ate at all though. He was definitely looking out the windows a good bit and was paying attention when we drove by scary rigs with flapping things... and he noticed the cows too. Hee hee. I love him! 


When we stopped for gas and to pee he was still not interested in eating and while he ate his treats, he seemed a little worried. Me too bubs, me too. I think I cried a few times on the way too. Some tears were from fear and being scared.... some were out of gratefulness that God has provided. And then some were because I knew I was doubting and hearing voices in my head instead of trusting Him and then God had me pass a sign for Omega... maybe a street, maybe a town... but I passed it about 5 times (not because I was driving in circles!!! ha!) and I had to giggle because I was like.... "Okay, thank you God.. I appreciate you making it blatantly obvious for me... and one more for good measure!". Seriously.. thank you God. 

We got to the Vet Hospital and he unloaded fine. He didn't want to go in his stall but we got him in and he immediately started to munch their nice hay. I was a bit worried at first because.... he's special! He has rules! But then the lovely intern walked up and we chatted and everyone ended up being so nice and kind. I explained the no hay net thing... and the "food aggression" and... his tricks. hee hee. Please don't fire us! And they were awesome. I asked about visiting and they told me I could but then also told me they would let me know when his exam was so I could be there. Phew! And then a few hours later Dr. Tull texted me two photos of Dan saying that he was sorry he missed me at drop off but Dan seemed content but was also giving him the stink eye for not bringing cookies. Hee hee. Made my night! So... I'm feeling good now. He's in great hands. Mostly... God's hands.... but also everyone at Ocala Equine hospital. 


I ended up getting a hotel room at the Equus Inn. What a great place! It's perfect! It's horse themed... near lots of food places, quiet... has an awesome outdoor patio and waterfall. A nice pool. COOKIE TIME at 8 pm!!! And I was able to go walk around the hotel and next door at a bunch of medical office spaces amongst the spanish moss trees and get in a nice walk and get my feet moving and clear my brain. 


Now to think happy thoughts for Dan tomorrow and pray hard and try to get some rest. Tomorrow I'll panic about the acupuncture course but tonight... tonight is a "just breathe" night. My walk helped. Talking with some friends helped. And praying helped. And... getting reminders from friends that they are praying too also helped. A lot! And then I saw this photo that I took this morning... God's got him under His wings. He's gonna be okay.... I trust you God... He's in your hands. 

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