Oh happy day! The sun came out! It was warm, although still a bit chilly. I ended up riding fairly early so that I could spend the rest of the day unloading the storage shed. (That's wasting a lot of money we don't need to spend!). Except...by the time I got there, it wasn't that early and then I was having too much fun, so I didn't get home that early. Ha ha. Barn time. ;) BUT... I did manage to get one trip to the storage unit and unload it and even unpacked some boxes. So yay!
I started in the dressage arena and Dan and I did our walk warm up... then we trotted. Today we worked on maintaining suppleness during changes of direction and gait. We did trot serpentines and they were actually better than I expected! We also did some half passes and they feel like they are getting better too. Then we went to canter. Our upwards feel like they are getting good but those darn downwards... I can't find the fine line of getting him to break gait but not be so dramatic about it. It's like he either slams into it... or just... trots too much. But it's hard to not get after him because he is trying. He's just putting too much flair into it. However, we had a few good ones. Then he got all puffed up and we had some really nice trot work... and one legit (it felt like) medium trot across the diagonal. :) We also nailed a halt! Kelli saw it and said it was a 10! We actually got the promtness with suppleness and softness!! But of course... trot to halt is easiest. Trot to walk is so much harder. But still. Good pony.
Then we went for a nice long walk and enjoyed the day.
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