Monday, January 25, 2021

Fresh sandbox

 Today was a busy day! But I got a lot accomplished. Including riding! I opted to ride at home in my freshly drug arena and try out my Pivo tripod. It definitely is MUCH better about tracking me without the jumps in the arena. It only lost me twice and that was when I came right at it. Unfortunately, because I haven't taken the effort to make my ride videos less than 10 minutes, I can't share them. But I do love having them to monitor our progress. It comes in handy. He's gotten so fancy! 

We lunged first and he was a good goober. We got some really nice work! And at one point, Funny decided to lay down right in front of the gate to the round pen and attempted to roll! Oh dear! She is JUST like big brother! Luckily she didn't make it over and then got up, so Dan and I didn't have to rescue her from the gate. So we were able to go back to work. We got some nice trot and canter and some nice transitions and even a few canters over the ground pole. Yay! So then we walked up to the arena and went for our ride. We worked on transitions... not just canter to walk to canter, but also walk to trot to walk, and trot to canter to trot, and even a few walk to halt to walks. We even threw in a reinback. We worked on our leg yielding on the rail some... some regular leg yielding... some half passing... and our turn on the haunches and forehands. He was good. We also worked on the change over the cavaletti.. until he knocked it down. Ooops! We got a couple, but most were not full changes or even changes at all. BUT... this is new. And in theory, while it should be second nature.. it's not, so.. that's okay. #progressnotperfection! So.. nothing terribly exciting... nothing super, but in general.... not bad. Not bad at all! Oh, and.. he gets props because while we were working on the canter changes over the cavaletti, one of Jean's young horses kept galloping around her end of the pasture trying to entice Dan. He looked a few times, but kept working. :) What a good boy!

(Yes.. these photos were all taken today. It started out sunny and warm and beautiful and got more cloudy and overcast as my ride went on!)

Quit hanging fans and make my dinner mom! I'm HUNGRY!!! I worked so hard. 

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