So you know what that means!!!! :)
Seriously... I am pretty sure I've had a migraine every day this year so far until today. Yesterdays was so bad I couldn't even finish my work day. I tried to sleep it off after taking a pill in the gas station parking lot, but I couldn't do it. Of course I felt better when I got home but by then it was too late. So now... I'll have to work Thursday but hopefully I'll still have time to ride. It'll only be a half day hopefully! And hopefully it won't rain til AFTER I get in a ride, but... we'll see. Anyways... so today I got up super early to help Mike. He wanted to rent a ditch witch so that we could lay a drain so that the water didn't pool up in front of the house. We took the trailer, which thank goodness because there is no way we could have got that into the truck. It went pretty quickly and we were done by noon, so we took it back and then I got to go ride!
I met Kelli and we dressaged for a bit. Well, we lunged first. And y'all.. I'm getting pretty good at squashing my frustrations down the drain. I'll admit it. Dan and I were struggling with the lunging. He was falling in and falling out and our circle was so not a circle. He was braced a good bit and his upward transitions were not great. And Kelli and Marvin were down there looking lovely with their perfect circles. I know... I know.... but stil, it's hard not to get frustrated. BUT.. I didn't... not much. I just kept at it and Dan and I worked on our own stuff and when he was super good and trying he got big praises and when he wasn't, we just kept trying. We eventually got some decent work on the lunge so I rewarded him and we quit. And then we had a pretty good ride! I was better with my body I think so I was more upright which helped him not dump on the right shoulder. And.. when I sat upright... and even slightly tipped back onto my pelvis... the canter departs were sooooo much better! Yay! We even had some pretty decent trot half passes! I definitely was blocking him before when I was trying to weight my seatbone. But when I do it this way, I'm lifting my seat bone and not blocking. Aha! :) So.... much better ride than lunge session. :) But you know.... oh well. Then we went on a nice long hack, but it got chilly! But it was a good ride.
(Kelli got a tiny bit of the very end of our ride)
Oh, and this morning... when I pulled clothes off, I put Fleck's midweight on Dan because it was still a little chilly, but.. no neck... Well apparently that was not to Dan's liking, because he was trying to pull it off over his head. And almost succeeded. Then he rolled. So I finally just took it off. Well, Dan got a little sassy and Emma was out, so... those two plus Funny took off for the top of the hill at full speed. Dan must have let out about 7 giant bucks!!! Good grief!!! Luckily he didn't connect with anyone, but dang! At the top of the hill, they stopped and then just went to grazing. Ha ha! Guess he's feeling good! Or he was cold. :)
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