Saturday, January 16, 2021

Amazing skies!

 Today was such a PRETTY day!! It was cold as heck, but it was worth it. I slept in a little and then after I fed the ponies, I went ahead and adjusted Dan. It wasn't too cold this morning... and he was good. He's actually feeling better and better lately! Which is awesome! Then I went and got hay. Sigh... Sidenote... I spent $80 on hay (alfalfa) last Saturday... and I've only got about 5 flakes left. And... that's only feeding Dan and Funny, since Fleck is eating soaked hay cubes. Sigh.. But I got some rye today so hopefully that will help. Then I rehitched the truck... grabbed some grapes and carrots... and had to walk to the feeder to get the ponies. And ... now it's cold!! And windy! So windy that it seemed like the wind blew my contact partially out of place because my eye got blurry all of a sudden. Ha ha! So I got Dan and then Funny and Fleck went cavorting around, but Dan behaved, so yay! 

We hauled to Taylors barn and Kathleen massaged him. Good gravy it's hard work entertaining the Dan and keeping him someone confined so Kathleen can work on him. He's exhausting! He managed to chew on the cross ties, his lead rope, the whip, the blanket bar, the corner of the wall!, almost pulled the poster off the wall... me... kathleen... ha ha. Thank goodness she loves him. Hee hee. He is entertaining, albeit exhausting. But she was very pleased with what she was finding! Yay! Then I put him in the trailer, where he was quiet as a church mouse while I worked on Taylors dog. Weirdo!

After that, we hauled to Ashland and met Kelli for a ride. We did some dresssage. It wasn't the best ride, but not terrible. Our trot half pass to the right was decent but to the left it's a struggle. I can't get him to move that pelvis over. But considering he had double body work this morning.... I didn't push it. We did lots of transitions and some serpentines. Then we did some canter work and had a few REALLY nice downward transitions. And then we were ready for a trail ride. The skies were beckoning!

It was warm while I was dressaging but once we hit the trails it got chilly quick! Luckily I had my new riding coat, which kept me toasty!! So it was fun. :) We had a nice ride and great scenery! God is an amazing artist!

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