Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Good pony

 Quick ride because of helping a friend and life

Tacked up with the saddle. Hacked up to arena. Got off and set trot poles 3' apart. Only 3. Will need more next time. Did turn on the haunches in hand and it was actually quite lovely today. Not a correct dressage turn on the haunches but a move your shoulders one using your core. :) Got cookies. Then got on and rode. Did 10 minutes of trotting with some leg yields, some shoulder in, and the trot poles. Plus a few times over the single raised pole. Did a tiny bit of halfpass, sucked to the left. Right hind weak? 

Did canter both ways.. actually not too bad today. Didn't feel as disconnected or awful. .just weak. Also, couldn't resist and jumped a cross rail. :) 

hacked back home.

Got his dino gear last night so he got to wear it today! Rawr!! Staying somewhat snuggly and happy overall

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