Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Quickie at home

Dan and I snuck in a quick ride today. I had to work today because the saddle fitter is coming tomorrow, but I moved 2 of my stops to today and the last stop to Thursday, so... I adjusted 7 horses today and was still home by 2ish. Whoo hooo! I lunged Lyric first and then grabbed Danimal. I opted for the bareback pad because it was quicker and I wanted time to drag the arena too. And I had already lunged and shockwaved Lyric, so time was running a hair tight.


(hims was cranky til I mentioned the word cookie.... )

He was happy enough to oblige and we wandered around the pasture and did some hills. We did some trotting and even some leg yielding in the pasture. Then we went in the arena for a little bit more lateral work. We even did some shoulder in and half pass and leg yield at the trot. He was good! We even got a nice springy trot instead of his western pleasure jog trot. He was a good kid!


We meandered back just as the water trough was full so I hopped off to turn the water off and figured that was a good time to quit. It was a short ride but we accomplished our goals. And no tongue! He did trip a few times when we first started and got a little anxious about it but... no tongue. He was chomping though. But only for a minute.


Tonight there is the severe storm warning so they got turned back out in the main field. They were glad. They were getting bored in the dog pen pasture. But I'm trying to gross grass kiddos!



 I do LOVE my farm!!

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