Saturday, April 13, 2024


 And he was sooooo happy about it! 

We had a lesson today with Jacel and rode with Laura and Smartie. 

started off sad because of cross cantering over the pole, but also didn't offer any assistance or balancing.

then did a few fences or two of cross rails and low verticals. rode with a loose rein and used my seat, core and thighs, and.. it freakin' works! UNTIL... we did a line with a little oxer and he got excited and bolted. ha ha.. 

he was so happy. it got better. he's jumping straight! no right drift! 

then went for a hack.. stuck behind smartie because he power walks but dan got mad... tried to put his head down and buck/bolt and almost fell??? Neuro??? unbalanced? stepped in a hole? 

then hacked home by myself and cantered the gallop track. actually not too tricky to canter.. and felt pretty balanced. 

rode whole day letting him carry himself... not holding him up

good pony. 

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