Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Another Walk....

So... today was a beautiful day!! I spent most of it in the house painting the kitchen. My back was killing me.. my wrists.. my shoulders.. even my fingers were going numb! So finally at 3ish, I was able to take a break. Because... there was nothing to do but wait 2 hours before I could do the next coat. So... I felt bad, but I told Kelli that I couldn't wait til later to ride, so... poor Fleck's birthday party was now even smaller. Oh well. It was a gorgeous day and I really wanted to ride... and this way I could ride and get back in time to do more painting. :) And not be up too late. In theory. ;) 

We got to Ashland and I decided to ride Dan first in case Kelli could make it. I know Dan missed having company, but it was Fleck's birthday, so... the birthday boy got the party if able. :) 

Dan was FILTHY!! So I gave him a good grooming and put the bareback pad on and his jump bridle and off we went. He felt SOOO good. Like.. he was striding out and calm and powerful. It felt like we could pick up the canter at any moment and it would have been a glorious canter too. Sigh.. But we had a good walk. 

At the end we weren't quite ready to be done, so we made a quick detour to the lake. As we were there, another girl and her horse had walked up, so we had company walking back to the trailers, which made Dan happy. :) 

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