Friday, March 13, 2020

Very weird day....

Friday the 13th.... corona virus weirdness.... Was supposed to have a lesson after working on one horse... and Dan pulled a shoe. Luckily, Freddie to the rescue and we were good to go again, so.. we went to Ashland and moved my lesson to tomorrow.

Did some dressage...  good ride!! Lots of transitions... had a good trot half pass right, but not so good left. Good shoulder in and haunches in. Good trot medium, maybe.. .maybe an extension?? Did some canter work. Took a few but got the counter canter... have to roll my pelvis back to the outside a little, but managed to get right lead to trot to left lead to trot to right lead to trot on the straight line... even got the counter lead on the rail when I asked. Not quite as good at the walk to canters, but did manage it a few times.

Then went for a hack. A short one.. because he was feeling a little lazy and I had life stuff stressing me out.

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