We made it 3 weeks! And that's it. ;)
We're done. ;)
I turned him out in the middle pasture with Lyric Friday night because... I just... I can't. He's handling it better than me, but he has drugs! It's too expensive (more shavings, more hay), too much time to do stalls, and he's got edema in his sheath and belly, his shoulder is getting worse again, and he's getting a hair crankier. Flecky is getting stiffer/lamer because he's been up some too. The girls are a bit more feral as they are also being up and then no one is roaming as much because of them being split up. So.. I decided that the risks far outweight the benefits of stall rest so.. out he went.
I'll try to at least keep him in the middle pasture for another week and ideally he'll stay with only one horse. And he'll be drugged. The girls ran like idiots twice now and he's not really done much. I do think that next weekend when Lyric and I go to the show overnight, I'll just let him be out with both Fleck and Funny and hope for the best. That will be easier for Mike and might be a good way to slowly introduce them all back together.
I have been bemering and he did get shockwave #1. Plus he is getting a loading dose of adequan again. I've been watching but no more swelling... the sticks aren't indicating any issues... and in theory, because he isn't denerved, he should be self regulating if he's sore. I mean, it is Dan but... well, hence the drugs.